With the eco-friendly Boxengold Premium bedding, the urine can first drain down and then be absorbed directly into the lower layers. Our innovative environmentally friendly BOXENGOLD Performance bedding, made of 100% pure spruce wood, enriched with probiotically active microorganisms - almost completely avoids odors
Welcome to the world of Boxengold horses - it's great that you've found your way to us!
Only a horse that feels comfortable and has no symptoms can be a balanced partner for free time and performance.
Boxengold provides the ideal foundation for this:
- If your horse has health problems and you want to make his daily life easier
- If you prefer to spend time with your horse, look for a time-saving method of stable maintenance that can benefit your horse as well.
- If you want to reduce the volume of manure in your barn and reduce long-term operating costs
- Boxengold will support you in this regard - ideal for horses, economical to use
- Boxengold, the innovative ecological 100% pure spruce bedding, comes directly from the vigorous forests of Transylvania. Using a state-of-the-art thermal manufacturing process, untreated wood is shredded, heated, screened several times and dusted. This produces a bedding of the highest quality for horses.
Boxengold - a concept for healthy animals and satisfied owners!
Boxengold Premium eco-friendly bedding is a purely natural product - sustainable, produced on site and ennobled by innovative production methods:
- 100% pure spruce wood, without artificial or chemical additives
- Constant quality - no weather fluctuations or storage damage as in the case of straw
- Almost dust-free due to several stages of dusting, if stored correctly
- Practically germ-free due to heat treatment
- Boxengold Premium eco-friendly bedding is cost-effective - pleasant for humans and horses:
- Hypoallergenic and ideal for horses with respiratory (chronic) diseases and allergies
- Ideal for the horse's feet when standing due to the slightly elastic but non-slip, stable substrate
- Particularly economical due to its high flow capacity and fibrous texture
- High absorption - urine drains and is absorbed in the lower layers
- This also significantly reduces the formation of odors
Read more about horse bedding, its economical use and its horse health benefits!
The most common reason for switching horses to alternative horse bedding is a disease of the airways:
the horse coughs, is sensitive to straw dust, the smell of ammonia in the box, or has developed an
allergy to all forms of dust, mold, etc..
Other possible reasons for switching to another horse bedding:
* Excessive straw consumption and consequences (obesity, bloated stomach, colic, etc.)
* Problems with hooves and skin (poor horn quality, equine candidiasis, mud fever, etc.)
* Diseases of the tendons and ligaments that require a stable and at the same time elastic surface for
* Quality problems with straw; after a poor harvest, mostly only straw with dust, contaminated straw or,
in the worst case, moldy straw is available
1) EMPTYING Completely and thoroughly remove old horse bedding. The enclosure must be cleaned with a broom.
2) GENERAL CLEANING Spread BOXENGOLD LIQUID CLEANER solution (mixed with water: instructions on the package) in your storage so that the floor is sufficiently watered. Now let the microorganisms work for you: After 2 to 3 hours all odors will disappear.
3) SPREADING Spread a sufficient amount of organic Boxengold bedding in the dry enclosure. The optimal height of the bedding is about 15 cm (about 8 bales for standard dimensions) in the entire enclosure.
4) MANURE REMOVAL & SAVING It is necessary to remove horse excrement daily, but wet areas can be left in the enclosure for up to 10 days. Then simply push the dry layer from the top aside and remove only the wet parts underneath. Fill only a little bedding, just as much as you can get out of the wet bedding - between 1 and 1.5 bales per week, depending on the size of the box. How to optimally prepare for the transition to BOXENGOLD?
To switch from another horse bedding to the environmentally friendly Boxengold Premium bedding, we recommend a thorough cleaning with the Boxengold Liquid Cleaner solution: Urine and putrefaction that has been leaking into the soil for years will be deeply neutralized in all cracks.
This is how the Boxengold Premium eco-friendly bedding has the best effectiveness: * First of all, you need to completely empty the box and remove the horse bedding used so far. * Mix 1 bottle of Boxengold Liquid Cleaner solution with 20-30 liters of water and distribute the solution abundantly in the box. * Allow the cleaning solution to absorb for 2 to 4 hours, depending on the nature of the floor; the floor must be completely dry before sprinkling Boxengold Premium ecological bedding in the box. * If possible, repeat this thorough cleaning once a year. Order Boxengold Liquid Cleaner today and release your old four-legged box of old waste efficiently and easily!
Your horse prefers to be dry, clean and odor-free in the stable. Boxengold Premium eco-friendly bedding creates the best conditions in this regard due to its high absorption capacity. Wet stains are usually only small in diameter and can therefore be removed quickly and easily. Due to the special structure of the wood fibers, the removal of manure is also easy. Only a little bedding sticks to the horse's excrement, so that when the manure is removed, it barely reaches the horse's clean bedding in the manure wheelbarrow.
If you remove the excrement every day and remove the wet places every 6-10 days, you will quickly see how cost-effective the eco-friendly Boxengold Premium bedding is: Depending on the size of the box, you only need about 1 bale per week to sprinkle again.
Wood generally takes a little longer than straw to reach the desired degree of decomposition, so that it can be spread on the field as manure.
Our new Boxengold Liquid Booster solution * significantly accelerates decomposition * contains no chemical or artificial additives * simply sprays on manure piles * works exclusively through natural microorganisms Current laboratory results show that decomposition has been accelerated by more than 12 % in 14 days!
Respiratory tract: Cough and dust allergy
Coughing horses need plenty of fresh air and dust-free bedding! A relatively large number of horses are allergic to dust and fungal spores, which are often found in hay and straw. So, first of all, the main cause of the cough should be eliminated.
This is the only way you can support your long-legged four-legged friend, who is suffering from breathing difficulties, and get a real improvement:
* keeping in a fresh air environment - in an open stable or in a paddock - it is especially useful for horses that cough chronically. In any case, the speaker should have a window.
* As far as possible, the horse's airway should not be contaminated with dust and ammonia vapor. A dust-free version is recommended for bedding. The horse must not be nearby while removing manure, sweeping or shaking the hay.
* Easy daily movement is ideal for horses with lung disease. In this way, all the lung areas are adequately ventilated and the secretions dissolve more easily. But avoid overloading!
* In case of persistent diseases, the floors of the riding arena and the rest of the horse's surroundings should also be checked for dust and possible allergens.
Boxengold Premium eco-friendly bedding does not contain dust, absorbs odors, does not contain any mold and is almost germ-free. Also, in winter it provides sufficient insulation down. This makes Boxengold Premium eco-friendly bedding the ideal alternative for horses with respiratory problems. In any case, you should consult a veterinarian. And here we are happy to help you and recommend the right experts!
Hoof and skin diseases: equine candidiasis and mud fever
In the case of equine candidiasis and mud fever, the horse should be as dry as possible and without direct contact of the skin or the horn box with the bacteria that cause rot in the manure. With the eco-friendly Boxengold Premium bedding, the urine can first drain down and then be absorbed directly into the lower layers. If a mattress-type bedding is not desired, in the case of sick horses the wet parts should be removed more frequently.
Thanks to its innovative production process, the environmentally friendly Boxengold Premium bedding is almost germ-free, so that the affected areas of the horn box or the skin above the hoof are not further contaminated with germs and, for example, mud fever can appear in the chisel.
Metabolism: colic constipation and metabolic disorders
ome horses tend to overeat the straw in the box. As coarse fodder, straw can be easily assimilated to a moderate extent by the horse.
However, in large quantities, this can lead to colic - especially constipation - and other digestive tract problems. Obesity could also be a consequence; in turn, this leads to long-term metabolic problems. In nature, horses move almost all day, even if only on foot. Horses that are kept in the stable move significantly less. In addition, the energy balance of our feed is much higher today than in the poor steppe. Seasonal weight fluctuations due to grazing during the summer are normal.
However, long-term obesity can lead to serious metabolic problems and more serious illnesses - such as. EMS [equine metabolic syndrome], laminitis or liver disease. However, the right diet for a horse is a very complex matter and should be discussed with your veterinarian. And here we are happy to help you and put you in touch with the right experts!
As a measure of better control and portioning of coarse fodder, switching to the eco-friendly Boxengold Premium bedding is definitely the best choice.
Locomotor system: tendon damage
The special fiber structure of the ecological Boxengold Premium bedding offers a slightly elastic surface, but non-slip and stable. This has a great advantage for horses with locomotor injuries: the hoof does not sink too deep; tendons and ligaments are not stretched excessively.
However, the movements are slightly damped and thus the joints are spared. Especially in the convalescent phase, it is logical to support the healing process with the right bedding.